Стр. | Выпуск 3, 2014 г. |
5-10 |
Analysis of efficiency of the modern valuation methods of radiation resistance of spacecraft onboard equipment
Zinchenko V.F., Lavrentev K.V., Romanenko A.A., Bulgakov N.N., Saharova L.Yu., Voronzova A.A. Experience of the calculated-experimental researches for the prediction of radiation resistance of spacecraft onboard equipment is generalized. The efficiency of the modern valuation methods of radiation resistance of electronics in space conditions is analyzed and recommendations about their practical implementation are made. Keywords: onboard equipment, spacecraft, radiation resistance. |
11-15 |
Certification of the X-ray unit RAP 300
Ulimov V.N., Terentyev N.I., Zinchenko V.F., Mitin E.V., Tkachuk K.S., Prelutsky V.I., Babenko A.S. The exposure dose rate on beam axis at distances from a tube of 10-100 cm, and also in cross section at distances of 20 and 40 cm at rated modes are measured. The angle of radiation output is defined. Dependences of dose rate on voltage and current of tube are researched. The rump-up time at different currents and voltage of tube is defined. The pulse duration of X-ray radiation and the pulse frequency at different tube currents are measured. The dose rate was measured by means of clinical dosimeter of type 27012. All controlled characteristics are corresponded to certification. Spectral characteristics of radiation are in addition researched. Keywords: X-ray unit, X-ray radiation, device certification, technical characteristics, exposure dose rate, X-ray energy, clinical dosimeter. |
16-18 |
System of an assessment of failure tolerance of combinational circuitry
Balbekov A.O. The technique of characterization of a contribution of separate nodes of combinational circuit to the general failure tolerance of all unit considering statuses on device inputs and time of its impact by single particle is described. The system of automation of characterization process, and also visualization of received results by means of standard circuitry development tools is provided. Keywords: failure tolerance, single event transient, characterization, combinational circuitry. |
19-21 |
Influence of electrical mode on radiation resistance of optoelectronic switch 249KP5R
Avdyushkin S.A., Maksimov I.A., Ivanov V.V., Kochura S.G., Kondyan S.S., Rubanov P.V., Kaskov T.N. Results of radiation resistance tests of optoelectronic switch 249KP5R to dose effects of ionizing radiation in different electrical modes are analyzed. Distinction in level of radiation resistance for different electrical modes is revealed, recommendations to support of resistance of onboard equipment are made. Keywords: optoelectronic switch, dose, electrical mode. |
22-24 |
Fluctuations in radiation resistance level of different batches of reference voltage source OSM N142EN19
Avdyushkin S.A., Maximov I.A., Ivanov V.V., Kochura S.G., Kondyan S.S., Patskov A.V. The test results of different batches of reference voltage source OSM N142EN19 on resistance to dose effects of space ionizing radiation caused by electron and proton influence of earth radiation belts are analyzed. Difference in resistance levels of the batches made at different times is revealed. Recommendation for use of test results of reference voltage source batches and on resistance increase of onboard equipment are made. Keywords: radiation resistance, dose effects, home produced electronics, OSM N142EN19, reference voltage source. |
25-29 |
Ionization model of diffused resistor
Ustyuzhaninov V.N., Krylov V.P., Frolova T.N., Bogatyrev Yu.V., Lastovsky S.B. The algorithm and calculated model of optimization of topological option of diffused resistor of difficult form by criterion of minimization of isolation junction area as conditions of minimization of ionization current pulse amplitude are offered. Keywords: pulse ionizing radiation, diffused resistor, electrical response. |
30-32 |
Model of MOS transistor for use as dosimeter at simulation and full-scale experiments
Oreshkov P.N., Popov V.D. The results of radiation tests of MOS transistors at different dose rate with the results of full-scale experiment onboard ISS are compared. Keywords: ionizing radiation, electron emission, isotopic sources, annealing, MOS transistor, dosimetry. |
33-37 |
Research of parameter dependence of perspective DC/DC converter on dose
Chubrukov F.V., Malyshev A.A., Butina A.V. The experimental data of parameter change of secondary power source at gamma radiation impact in case of different circuitry implementation of feedback are presented. Recommendations about approaches to support of required resistance of secondary power source to gamma component of ionizing radiation are made. Potential «feeble» units and electronic components which characteristic degradation at ionizing radiation influence determines resistance level of secondary power source are defined. Keywords: element base, voltage converter, feedback, static ionizing radiation, radiation resistance. |
38-41 |
Productivity increase of onboard digital computing systems by neural network structures use
Antimirov V.M., Vdovin A.S., Smelchakova G.A., Yakovlev P.S. Possibilities of productivity increase of digital computers by use of hardware and microprogrammed computation of trigonometric and algebraic functions of one variable which can be expanding in a Taylor series are considered. On the example of the solution of tasks of strapdown inertial reference system with use of neural network decisions for computation of trigonometric functions like sin x and cos x, and also matrix transformations the efficiency of application of neural network structures in onboard computers of systems of automatic control of products and objects of rocket-and-space equipment is shown and the example of implementation of specialized computing device of strapdown inertial reference system as neurocalculator is introduced. Keywords: artificial neuron, onboard digital computer, matrix computation, inertial subsystem, neural network structure, microprogrammed control. |
42-46 |
Research of ways of optimum reservation of secondary power supply and implementation variation choice
Antimirov V.M., Smelchakova G.A., Svetlakov V.A. Variations of possible instrumental implementation of secondary power supply for onboard computing systems are considered. The problem of reliability assessment of variations and choice of optimum variation from the point of view of reliability for practical engineering operation is solved. Keywords: power supply, radiation resistance, reliability, reservation, onboard computing systems. |
47-55 |
Comparative analysis of failure tolerance of 65 nanometers cells of CMOS scratch pad memory
Gorbunov M.S., Dolotov P.S., Antonov A.A., Zebrev G.I., Yemelyanov V.V., Boruzdina A.B., Petrov A.G., Ulanova A.V. The design of different 6T and DICE units of scratch pad memory on the basis of commercial 65 nanometers CMOS technology is considered, the experimental results of radiation by X-ray and heavy charged particles are discussed. The received results show that the number of glorked bits depends not only on value of linear energy transfer, but also on a hit place. Cards of multiple failures are discussed. Sensitive area is all cell area of scratch pad memory minus area between N+ and P + guard rings. The received results for normal falling of heavy charged particles show advantages and shortcomings of different circuit and topological decisions. Keywords: single failures, heavy charged particles, multiple failures, critical charge, DICE, scratch pad memory, CMOS, guard rings, dose effects. |
56-57 |
Influence of ionizing radiation spectrum on test results of RAM 1657RU1U dose resistance
Kudryavtsev Yu.G., Batova E.T., Panchenko A.N., Kopkin A.Yu., Teterevkov A.V. The efficiency of ionization influence of bremsstrahlung of accelerators LU-10-20 and U-31-33 and gamma quantums of radioisotope source Co60 on gate insulator of MOS devices RAM 1657RU1U produced of JSC NPZ «ELVIS» is calculated. The bremsstrahlung efficiency of accelerator U-31-33 is 1,8-2 times higher than bremsstrahlung efficiency of accelerator LU-10-20 and gamma quantums of source Co60 because of effect of dose gain. Keywords: bremsstrahlung, linear accelerator, dose. |
58-61 |
Hardware-software measuring system for radiation tests of electronic component base on small-size pulse accelerators
Teterevkov A.V., Panchenko A.N., Kudryavtsev Yu.G., Kopkin A.Yu. The hardware-software measuring system as a part of created on the basis of accelerators ARSA and Argument automated workstation for researches and tests of electronic component base radiation resistance is developed. The hardware-software measuring system provides execution of difficult functional tests on high frequencies, possibility of distant registration of static and dynamic signals in real time, operation of in addition connected control and measuring equipment which isn\´t the basic part of hardware-software measuring system. Keywords: ionizing radiation pulse, small-size pulse accelerators, radiation resistance indexes, hardware-software measuring system, electronic component base. |
62-65 |
Use of electron beam of accelerator ARSA for resistance tests of integrated circuits
Kudryavtsev Yu.G., Elyash S.L., Panchenko A.N., Puhov S.P., Batova E.T., Kopkin A.Yu., Teterevkov A.V. Possibility of effective use of electron beam of accelerator ARSA for radiation resistance tests of integrated circuits at loading levels on dose to 2,5·105 rad (Si), on dose rate to 3·1031 rad (Si)/sec is shown. Keywords: accelerator ARSA, radiation resistance, integrated microcircuits, electron beam. |
66-68 |
Scintillation fiber-optic detector with subtraction of Cherenkov radiation removal
Rodigin A.V., Loyko T.V., Elyash S.L. The scintillation fiber-optic detector of pulse ionizing radiation with Cherenkov radiation removal to scintillator glow is developed. Duration of pulse response of detector with scintillator SPS-B18 and a cable 5 m long made τ0,5 =1,13 nanosecond; with scintillator SPS-B16 and a cable 10 m long τ0,5 =1,94 nanosecond. Keywords: scintillation fiber-optic detector, electron and Cherenkov radiation, nanosecond duration, time resolution. |
69-74 |
The experimental estimation of relaxation of thermoluminescence centers at static radiation of detectors IS-7
Figurov V.S., Baykov V.V., Shelkovnikov V.V., Baranova T.A., Poteryaeva E.N. The relaxation constant of thermoluminescence centers in detectors IS-7 material by impact of static gamma radiation is estimated. The assessment is determined by results of counting of several groups of detectors after several radiation sessions with different duration and constant dose rate ~1 P/min. The experimental determination of the quantitative characteristics of relaxation of luminescence centers in detectors material is necessary for enhancement of methods of dose measurements at static radiation of tested products. Keywords: thermoluminescent dosimetry, relaxation constant of luminescence centers, dosimetry at static radiation. |