Scientific-technical journal
«Questions of atomic science and technics.
Series: Physics of radiation effects on radio-electronic equipment»
Research Institute of Scientific Instruments (RISI)
ISSN 1997-2830
Registration certificate PI № FS77-28566
Registered in Federal service for supervision of legislation in mass communications and cultural heritage protection
Published since 1990
- External radiation operating conditions of products of electronics and radio-electronic equipment
- Radiation and electromagnetic effects in radioelectronics, parameters degradation, failures, single failures
- Assessment and support of radiation resistance and reliability of products of electronics, radio-electronic equipment, radio engineering materials, including materials of space assignment
- Calculation methods of determination of radiation resistance of products
- Test installations and accelerators, dosimetric and metrological following of tests
Editorial board
- Gerasimov Vladimir Fedorovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, The Senior Researcher of Branch of FSBI "46 Central Research Institute Ministry of Defense RF"
- Grunin Anatoly Vasilyevich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Deputy Chief of Research Office of FSUE "RFNC-All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics"
- Danilov Vladimir Pavlovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, The Senior Researcher of SRSI "12 Central Research Institute Ministry of Defense RF"
- Pershenkov Vyacheslav Sergeyevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, The Head of Chair of Department "Micro and Nano electronics" of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
- Skorobogatov Petr Konstantinovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department "Electronics" of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", The Chief Researcher of JSC "ENGOs SPELS"
- Tapero Konstantin Ivanovich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The General Director of JSC RISI
- Uzhegov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, The Senior Researcher of FSUE TSNIImash
- Yanenko Andrey Viktorovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, The Associate Professor of Department "Electronics" of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", The Deputy Director General of JSC "ENGOs SPELS"
Edition address
140080, Moscow region, Lytkarino, Turaevo, 8, FSUE NIIP
Phone 8-495-276-53-31
Ulimova Natalya
Petrova Ekaterina
Kucheryavaya Elena
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