In the scientific-technical journal «Questions of atomic science and technics. Series: Physics of radiation effects on radio-electronic equipment» articles in the following main directions are published:

  • External radiation operating conditions of products of electronics and radio-electronic equipment
  • Radiation and electromagnetic effects in radioelectronics, parameters degradation, failures, single failures
  • Assessment and support of radiation resistance and reliability of products of electronics, radio-electronic equipment, radio engineering materials, including materials of space assignment
  • Calculation methods of determination of radiation resistance of products
  • Test installations and accelerators, dosimetric and metrological following of tests
Articles are published free of charge.

For publication of article it is necessary to provide:

  • Text of article in electronic form.
  • The expert opinion on possibility of open publication or permission on information exchange (original).
  • Author’s cards. On each of authors the author’s cards are formed and sand in electronic form together with article. In an author’s card the author's full name (completely), his academic degree and an academic status, place of employment (the full and reduced names), the job address, contact phone and E-mail are noted. Special attention should be paid to quotes, gaps and capital letters in the organization name.

Articles are reviewed by the top scientists in the subject directions and are to publication in the journal after the positive reviewer opinion.

Each article shall contain:

  • UDC identifier.
  • Article title: shall be specific and laconic.
  • Author’s Surname, Name, Patronym.
  • Full names of the representing organizations.
  • Annotation to 500 signs.
  • Keywords.
  • Text of article.
  • Bibliographical  references in which surely are provided: author name, book’s or article’s name, for books – publishing house, date of publication, total number of pages, for articles – journal’s name, year of publishing, volume, issue, pages of article’s beginning and end. The list of references shall be made in the order of references in the text. The references to unpublished works aren't allowed.

Edition of the scientific-technical journal «Questions of atomic science and technics» asks authors to follow to the next rules:

  • Articles shall be done in Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010. All text of article is typed with Times New Roman Cyr. 10 with full justification, through single spacing.
  • It isn't necessary to try to place "beautifully" the text on pages as the prototype of pages will change, and excessive diligence of authors when formatting the text only adds excess operation.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use ENTER for word wrapping in the paragraph. ENTER should be used only upon transition to the new paragraph. It isn't necessary to use TAB for creation of a new paragraph. The new paragraph is exposed by the upper slider of a ruler at a toolbar.
  • All abbreviations shall be decrypted at the first mentioning in the text.
  • All numbers shall be written as it is accepted in Russia (for example, 1,5, but not 1.5; 1•1010, but not 1E+10).
  • Tables shall have titles. On all tables in article there shall be references. It is forbidden to present tables as a picture.
  • Formulas shall be done by Math Type program. Formulas with references in the text are numbered in the increasing order. Formulas without references aren't numbered.
  • Pictures shall be sharply defined and are placed into the text (Point "In the Text"). The figure captions are created directly in Word, but not in application in which the figure is created. It is forbidden to group figures with caption texts. Texts in figures aren't recommended, them replace with digital designations which speak in the figure caption. It isn't allowed to create separate elements and Word texts in a figure. For this task it is necessary to apply graphics editors with saving results in the figure file. It is recommended to transform all figures to JPEG. All color diagrams and figures will be transformed to the black-and-white. It is necessary to pay attention that the color information wasn't lost.

Authors are strongly requested to follow these recommendations. Articles which aren't corresponding to these recommendations return on correcting!

Reviewing order

Edition address
140080, Moscow region, Lytkarino, Turaevo, 8, FSUE NIIP
Phone +7 (495) 276-53-01, ext. 41-70, 40-31
Fax 8-495-552-39-40

Editors Ulimova Natalya
Petrova Ekaterina
Kucheryavaya Elena
  • 140080, Московская обл., г. Лыткарино
  • промзона Тураево, строение 8.
  • +7 (495) 552-39-31
  • +7 (495) 552-39-40