
Выпуск 3, 2012 г.

Design technique of modern microcomponent base with account of radiation single events

V.K. Zolnikov

Some features of design of very-large-scale integrated circuits on system, functional-logical, circuit and topological levels taking into account radiation influence are considered.
Keywords: design, radiation, simulation, integrated circuit.
Methods of transformation of cell library of circuit level in functional logic level library taking into account radiation influence

M.V. Konarev, K.V. Zolnikov

The method of transformation of cell library of circuitry design level in library of functional logic level is considered. The method is based on expression of parameters of elements of functional logic base through parameters of circuit base during characterization of logic cells and considers radiation influence.
Keywords: CAD system, radiation influence, cell library, circuit simulation, functional logical simulation.
Leakage currents between elements MOS IС after low-intensive gamma radiation

M.A. Borsuk, V.D. Popov, P.N. Oreshkov

Analysis of leakage currents between transistors in MOS IC caused by charge accumulation in structure «oxide-silicon» after low-intensive radiation are resulted. Dependence of leakage current between two MOS devices on dose is shown. Dependence of leakage current on MOS IC integration is predicted.
Keywords: MOS IC, leakage currents, low-intensive radiation, gamma rays.
Radiation enhanced aging of integrated circuits

V.D. Popov, Chzho Co Vin

The aging model of planar microcircuit chips at long influence of low-intensity ionizing radiation is offered.
Keywords: IC, low-intensity ionizing radiation, aging model, surface defects.
Research of radiation effects in MOS-transistor in real conditions of ISS orbit

G.F. Belova, N.V. Kuznetsov, L.S. Novikov, V.D. Popov, Chzho Co Vin, V.N. Chernik

The full-scale experiment of discrete MOS-transistors on the ISS is resulted. Dependence of surface defect density in MOS-structure on thickness of protection is received.
Keywords: MOS-transistor, radiation effects, ISS.
Some features of degradation in bipolar transistors at different test conditions for total ionizing dose effect

A.S. Petrov, V.N. Ulimov

The results of studying the degradation in p-n-p- and n-p-n-bipolar transistors at different test conditions for total ionizing dose effect are presented. It is confirmed that the gain change at total ionizing dose testing depends strongly on the electrical conditions. The features of the dose rate impact at the degradation of transistors in a wide range of doses are described.
Keywords: bipolar transistors, dose rate, total ionizing dose.
The main processes in vacuum switching devices at ionizing radiation

A.S. Petrov

The review of the main processes proceeding in vacuum switching devices at ionizing radiation influence is presented. The features of vacuum switching devices defining their radiation behavior are analyzed.
Keywords: vacuum switching devices, ionizing radiation, review.
Integrated effects of ionization current pulse generation in electronic equipment

V.N. Ustyuzhaninov

Regularities of shaping of amplitude-time characteristics of ionization current pulses in supply circuits of electronic equipment taking into account impulse response of power supplies are defined. The technique of calculation of current pulse amplitude in supply circuit on LSI electrical parameters is offered. The design procedure of high-frequency capacitance as a part of supply source filter is provided.
Keywords: pulse ionizing radiation, ionization current pulse, electric power supplies.
Ionization characteristics of LSI

V.N. Ustyuzhaninov

The ratio between parameters of electrical responses to pulse of LSI ionizing radiation and the equivalent back-biased p-n-junction is set. The technique of calculation of current pulse amplitude in supply circuit on the LSI electrical parameters is considered.
Keywords: ionizing radiation pulse, current pulse in LSI supply circuit, LSI electrical response.
Supply voltage as metrological test and monitoring factor of LSI radiation resistance

V. N. Ustyuzhaninov

The concept of LSI current-voltage characteristic is justified, and dependence of current pulse amplitude in supply circuit on electrical parameters of digital microcircuit by pulse ionizing radiation is set. The technique of calculation of ionization current pulse amplitude on electrical parameters and LSI current-voltage characteristic is considered.
Keywords: pulse ionizing radiation, LSI single and irreversible failures, pulse current consumption.
Estimation of efficiency of accelerated electrons use by creation of double-crystal precision voltage regulator diodes with increased radiation resistance

P.B. Lagov, A.S. Drenin, E.S. Rogovsky

The efficiency of accelerated electrons use is experimental estimated by processing techniques of double-crystal precision temperature-compensated voltage regulator diode with increased resistance to special factors. It is shown that the treatment by accelerated electrons with energy of 5 MeV is efficiently for lowering of forward voltage drop of compensated crystal.
Keywords: precision voltage regulator diode, compensated crystal, temperature coefficient, stabilizing voltage.
Use of electron radiation for electrical activation and «acceleration» of implanted boron in silicon

P.B. Lagov, A.S. Drenin, D.S. Manyakina

The efficiency of use of fast electron radiation with energy of 5 MeV at increased flux density for electrical activation and «acceleration» of boron-implanted silicon of n-type is researched.
Keywords: ion-implantation doping, electron radiation, radiation enhanced diffusion, impurity activation.
Influence of high-energy electrons on analog integrated elements and circuits

O.V. Dvornikov, V.A. Chekhovsky, V.L. Dyatlov, Yu.V. Bogatyrev, S.B. Lastovsky

Influence of electrons with energy of 4 MeV on characteristics of elements and integrated circuits of the transresistive amplifier and voltage comparator implemented on basic matrix crystal of type «ABMK 1-3» is researched. It is set that electron fluence FE = 3,5∙1015 cm2 causes reduction of cut-off voltage of field transistor with p-n-junction and p-channel (p-PTP) for 11 % and maximum drain current – for 23 %, fall-off of the maximum value of static current transfer ratio (β) of n-p-n-transistors for 40 %, p-n-p- – for 35 %, increase of comparator input current – for 80 %. Remaining parameters of integrated circuits changed slightly.
Keywords: analog integrated circuits, integrated elements, transistors, radiation resistance, high-energy electrons.
Use of intellectual visual sensor for measurement of dose characteristics of bremsstrahlung of electro physical installations

I.A. Eliseev, I.V. Zhukov, L.I. Razuvaeva, A.V. Telnov, S.A. Gornostay-Polsky, S.A. Lazarev, N.P. Sitnikov, S.L. Elyash, A.L. Yuryev

The efficiency of use of video technologies for record of uniformity of bivariate dose distribution in brems-strahlung beam of different electron accelerators is experimental checked. As radiator are used the scintillation shield EU-B2 and the shield on the basis of polystyrene with p-terphenyl. As digital video recorder is used the intellectual visual sensor developed in VNIIEF. Questions of communication of logged brightness of scintillator light with dose measured by detectors IKS are considered.
Keywords: electron accelerator, exposure dose, scintillation shield, glow brightness, digital video recorder.
The scintillation fiber-optic detector with the nanosecond time resolution

A.V. Rodigin, T.V. Loyko, S.L. Elyash

With the aid of electron and X-ray radiation of sub-nanosecond duration the time resolution of fiber-optic detector is measured. It is shown that use of optical filters and mode converter in the form of an insert in cable breaking leads to improving of time resolution of fiber-optic detector. For cables in length of 5 and 10 m with an insert of dual violet optical glass PS 13 the time resolution of fiber-optic detector made τ0,5 = 1,16 nanoseconds and τ0,5 = 1,64 nanoseconds respectively.
Keywords: scintillation fiber-optic detector, electron and X-ray radiation, nanosecond duration, time resolution.
Measurement of time resolution of semiconductor detectors SPPD29

S.L. Elyash, A.V. Rodigin, T.V. Loiko

The pressed telluride semiconductor detectors SPPD29k and SPPD29-02 are calibrated with subnanosecond pulses of X-ray from SPIN-2 accelerator. The measured pulse durations are τ0,5 = 0,29 nanosecond and τ0,5 = 0,47 nanosecond respectively. The waveform of X-ray pulse from ARSA accelerator was recorded.
Keywords: semiconductor detector, X-ray radiation, subnanosecond duration, time resolution.
Calculated-experimental research of spectral characteristics of direct charging detectors and their communication lines with metering equipment

A.V. Grunin, S.A. Lazarev, A.M. Molitvin, D.V. Tkachuk

The extension of spectral range of use of direct charging detectors taking into account characteristics of existing and perspective experimental test basis (simulating installations) in FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF» are researched. Safety of sensitivity of ADDR1 detector after 26-year service life is confirmed. Spectral characteristics of sensitivity of some detectors which are confirmed with graduation on installation ETALON-3 at exposure dose rate in the range of 0,9-1,8 R/sec are calculated.
Keywords: direct charging detector, ionizing radiation, Monte-Carlo method, radiation induced potential.
The software for automatic recording of information on high-current pulse accelerators

A.V. Ponomarev, N.G. Mordasov

The communications protocols between the modern digital loggers producing of Agilent, LeCroy, Tektronix and the personal computer (PC) are researched. The software for PC control of digital loggers and for information transfer from them to PC is developed.
Keywords: communications protocol, digital logger, personal computer.
High-voltage sources of charge voltage of capacitive storages

I.N. Mikulin

The circuit of high-voltage source of charge voltage on the basis of the universal circuit of high-frequency transducer is developed. The series of sources with voltage output of +5 kV, +25 kV,-10 kV intended for charging of capacitive storages of the high-current pulse accelerator UIN-10 is created.
Keywords: high-voltage sources of charge voltage, capacitive storages, accelerator UIN-10.
Source of brake, electron and microwave radiations on basis the pulse-periodic high-voltage generator with inductive energy storage and semi-conductor circuit breaker

V.B. Bratchikov, A.I. Vedernikov, K.A. Gagarinov, A.I. Kormilitsyn, N.V. Kupyrin, V.V. Plokhoy, V.V. Pereshitov, N.N. Havronin, A.V. Ponomarev, S.N. Rukin, M.I. Yalandin, V.V. Rostov, O.P. Kutenkov, A.I. Klimov

The complex, allowing to implement the pulse-periodic source of brake, electron and microwave radiations is developed. In FSUE «RFNC-VNIITF» at creation of accelerator the use of latest advances in the field of high-current electronics allows to increase considerably operation resource of installation IPUE which now has more than 108 start-up in oscillating mode of brake and electron radiations.
Keywords: source brake, electron and microwave radiations, pulse-periodic high-voltage generator, accelerating tube, IPUE installation, oscillating modes.
Installation EMIR-2. Mode of output electron beam

V.B. Bychkov, A.G. Erlykov, D.E. Pavlovskih, R.V. Protas, R.R. Hafizov

Research of mode of output electron beam on accelerator EMIR-2 are resulted. It is shown that installation EMIR-2 is available for thermomechanical tests of constructional materials at following parameters of electron beam: current – to 30 kA; average energy – 2,3 MeV; energy fluence – to 350 J/cm2.
Keywords: research, installation EMIR-2, electron beam.
About possibility of measurements of electrical component of generated secondary electromagnetic pulse on complex EMIR-2

A.P. Stepovik, V.V. Otstavnov, T.V. Kupyrina, N.Yu. Kasyanov, R.V. Protas, R.R. Hafizov, A.G. Erlykov

On accelerator IGUR-3 the methods of minimization of influence of bremsstrahlung and electromagnetic fields in radiation box on measurements of electrical component of secondary electromagnetic pulse, excited by electron beam are tried out. Use of these methods on installation EMIR-2 with two accelerating tubes allows to measure the component of secondary electromagnetic pulse and to research the combined treatment of secondary electromagnetic pulse and gamma-radiation.
Keywords: installation EMIR-2, bremsstrahlung, researches, accelerating tube.
Research of neutron energy spectrum in model fields of nuclear reactor PRIZ-M

E.N. Nehay, I.S. Tereshkin

The experimental researches of neutron fields in model fields on nuclear reactor PRIZ-M are resulted. In the course of researches the energy spectrums and the absorbed doses of neutrons in specified fields are received. The received results can be used in tests of means of individual dosimetric control and for periodic checking of working measuring instruments.
Keywords: neutron energy spectrum, activation detectors, reaction rate, spectrum reconstruction.

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