No. 2, 2016
Suggestions on the Evaluation Method for Spacecraft Electronic Equipment Radiation Hardness to Single Event Effects

K.G. Sizova1, Yu.A. Vetrinskiy2, P.K. Skorobogatov3, M.O. Prygunov1

1LLC “NPC “Granat”
Saint Petersburg, Russia
2Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Saint Petersburg, Russia3National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”
Moscow, Russia

A scenario for the existent evaluation method for electronic equipment hardness to space environment charged particle influence on single event effects, which allows considering functional complexity of the hardware and the application efficiency of the sophisticated failure protection tools, is suggested. The comparison results of the spacecraft payload hardness obtained on the basis of the existent and modified methods are introduced.

Keywords: probability, failure, error, ionizing radiation, spacecraft, single event effects, radiation hardness, electronic equipment, calculation and experimental evaluation method.
The Tests of Flash Memory Integrated Circuits and FPGA with Flash-Based Configuration Memory for Hardness to Heavy Ions

A.I. Ozerov, A.V. Besetsky, V.V. Emelyanov

Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia

The principle for selecting optimum failure criteria for flash memory IC and FPGA with flash-based configuration memory of storage devices when it comes to tests for hardness to heavy charged particle impact is presented.

Keywords: heavy ions, functional test, single event effects, flash memory.
Degradation of the p-Channel MOSFETs under the Bias-Temperature Stress and Ionizing Irradiation

A.S. Petrov, K.I. Tapero, M.S. Petrov, G.M. Mosina

Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia

The degradation of the p-channel MOSFETs under the bias-temperature stress and gamma-irradiation is studied. It is shown that for MOSFETs, which are initially not sensitive to negative bias temperature instability, preliminary gamma-irradiation with the dose of 50 krad does not affect their response on the subsequent bias-temperature stress, while preliminary bias-temperature stress can increase the degradation rate of transistors during subsequent gamma-irradiation.

Keywords: MOS transistors, bias-temperature stress, ionizing irradiation.
The Specificity of Vacuum Switching Device Tests on Ionizing Radiation Influence

A.S. Petrov

Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia

Test results of pulse gamma radiation, static gamma radiation and gamma-neutron radiation influence on different types of vacuum switching devices (VSD) are presented. The evaluation results of the degree of gaging impact, when testing VSD on the ionizing pulse radiation influence, are introduced as well.

Keywords: vacuum switching devices, ionizing radiation, leakage currents.
Experimental and Theoretical Research of the Radiation-Induced Conductivity of Polymers Used in Spacecraft Vacuum-Tube Heat Insulator

R.Sh. Ikhsanov1,2, M.A. Afanasieva2, V.S. Saenko2, A.P. Tyutnev2

1Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia
2Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Moscow, Russia

A survey of the main results in the area of radiation-induced conductivity and electrification of polymers attained in the past 30 years is conducted. A special attention is paid to a unique experimental methodology based on the use of the portable electron accelerator, which allows conducting both the radiation-induced conductivity and charge carrier mobility. The quasizone and hopping theory of charge carrier transport in the molecular doped polymers is discussed as well.

Keywords: radiation-induced polymer conductivity, spacecraft electrification, molecular doped polymers, charge carrier hopping transport.
Research of the Degradation of the Solar Cell Shielding Glass Optical Properties under the Magnetospheric Plasma Impact

R.H. Kasanshin1, V.I. Kostyuk1, S.B. Korovin2, A.V. Kosogorov3, K.A. Komarov3, A.S. Yusova3

1OAO “Kompozit”
Moscow, Russia
2A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
3Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Moscow, Russia

The structure changes in K-208 and CMG shielding glass surfaces used as shielding coating of spacecraft solar cells under simultaneous effect on their electron and proton samples with Ee = 40 keV and Ep = 20 keV energies were studied. The examination of the sample surfaces by atomic force microscopy (AFM) allowed detecting the emergence of microscopic structure on them unconditioned by electrostatic discharges. The sample radiation was carried out in a vacuum chamber under pv = 10–4 Pa and electron flux density φe and proton flux density φр from 1010 to 2,0·1011cm–2s–1. It’s demonstrated that under indicated radiation conditions the nature of sample surface structure changes depends on correlation of φe and φр parameters. The oc­curance of microirregularities on the sample surfaces is expained by the processes running in the radiated glass layer of the radiation stimulated diffusion and damage annealing.

Keywords: electron-proton radiation, K-208 glass, CMG glass, surface structure, atomic force microscopy.
Comparative Analysis of the Marx Generator Design Characteristics by Mock-Up

V.V. Kochergin1, N.V. Varlamov2

1Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”
Moscow, Russia

The issues on improving Marx generator characteristics dedicated to charging water forming feed lines and inductive energy storage unit with plasma flow switch were reviewed. In order to choose a best possible Marx generator discharging circuit layout from pulse capacitors IK100-0,4, IK200-0,1 or IK200-0,5 a full-scale mock-up method was used. The correlation of discharging circuits has shown that the use of the 200 kV charging voltage capacitors allows improving Marx generator characteristics significantly.

Keywords: Marx generator, pulse capacitor, discharging circuit inductance, capacitor intrinsic inductance, reverse current distributor inductance.
Radiation Hardness of Precision Crystal Oscillators to the Effects of High-Energy Protons

A.I. Loskot, P.R. Gilvanov

Alexander Mozhaysky Military Space Academy
Saint Petersburg, Russia

The results of research and calculation-experimental evaluation of the radiation hardness of precision crystal oscillators GK271-TS to the effects of high-energy protons are presented.

Keywords: quartz oscillators, radiation resistance, short-term instability, Allan´s deviation, Hadamard´s deviation.
The Features of the RIUS-5 Accelerator Pulse Form

N.I. Terentiev, V.A. Kazakov, Yu.S. Loyko, A.V. Kirillov

Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia

The analysis of the exposure dose rate pulse form measurement on the target and at 0.1 and 0.7 m distance during one year of the М 193 procedure application is carried out. A significant heterogeneity of the radiation field on the target and the difference of the pulse form in comparison with 0.7 m distance is detected. The testers were suggested to carry out dose rate measurements directly on sites, if exact measurements near the target are needed.

Keywords: exposure dose rate pulse form, measuring procedure, diamond detectors, electron accelerator RIUS-5.

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