No. 2, 2018
Simulation of Leakage Currents in DS18B20 Digital Circuit at Gamma Radiation:an Example of Using the Global Leak Model in CMOS IC

R.G. Useinov1, G.I. Zebrev2, O.V. Meshchurov1

1JSC ‟Research Institute of Scientific Instruments”
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhl”
Moscow, Russia

Using the analytical model of global current leakage under STI insulating oxides of CMOS IC are described the experimental dose dependencies of leakage currents in DS18B20 digital circuit, obtained under various irradiation conditions: for different values of radiation dose rates, for different irradiation temperatures and for various electrical modes. The modelling shows that the used model very successfully describes all observed experimental dependences. In addition, it is established that the model is capable of describing the differ-ences observed when irradiating CMOS IC at different sources of ionizing radiation, in particular, at 10 keV X-rays and gamma radiation. It is also shown that the model can be effectively used as a preliminary predict-ing of CMOS IC hardness at the stage of their technological design.

Keywords: CMOS IC, STI oxide, radiation-induced leakage current, simulation.
Electric Mode Influence on NOR Flash Memory Hardness to Gamma Irradiation

S.K. Trufanov, A.I. Ozerov, A.S. Petrov

JSC ‟Research Institute of Scientific Instruments”
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia

Results of experimental researches of various NOR flash memories at gamma irradiation are presented. The received results in comparison with literary data is analyzed. It is shown that the peripheral equipment has the considerable influence on NOR flash memory hardness to gamma irradiation which also strongly depends on the irradiation mode: the dynamic mode "erasing-reading-record-reading" is the hardest, and the passive mode without electric loading at irradiation – the least hard.

Keywords: gamma irradiation dose, NOR flash memory, electric mode.
Diagnosis of Hardness Margin of CMOS Microcircuits at Ionizing Radiation Influence

V.I. Butin, F.V. Chubrukov

All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics named after N.L. Dukhov
Moscow, Russia

The theoretical and experimental justification of development possibility of a method of margin diagnosis of digital CMOS microcircuits functioning as a part of radio-electronic equipment at static gamma radiation influence based on the physical principles of transfer characteristics degradation of p- and n-channel transistors from chips structure is presented.

Keywords: CMOS microcircuits, radiation hardness, resistance forecasting, diagnostics, ionizing radiation.
Critical Operation Modes of FRAM Technology Memory Chips at Special Factors Influence

A.A. Malyshev, R.V. Slabous, D.P. Solozhentsev, F.V. Chubrukov

All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics named after N.L. Dukhov
Moscow, Russia

Results of experimental researches of operating of ferroelectric non-volatile RAM 1666PE014 manufactured on FRAM technology at special factors influence are presented. Dose levels of chips failures depending on the operating modes (reading, recording, rerecording) and also from the electric mode at radiation are speci-fied.

Keywords: FRAM technology, radiation hardness, gamma radiation, memory chips, ferroelectric memory, 1666PE014, test modes.
Impact of Gamma Radiation on Parameters of Trigger Flip-flop

Yu.V. Bogatyrev1, S.B. Lastovskiy1, D.A. Ogorodnikov1, VA. Chekhovskiy2, M.S. Temirbulatov3, V.I. Enns3, V.N. Shmigelskiy3

1SA ‟Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre NAS of Belarus”
Minsk, Belarus, e-mail:
2‟Institute for Nuclear Problems” Belarusian State University
Minsk, Belarus
3JSC ‟Molecular Electronics Research Institute”
Moscow, Russia

Results of researches of Co60 gamma radiation influence on functioning, static and dynamic parameters of the SOI trigger flip-flop at various electric modes are presented.

Keywords: gamma radiation, trigger flip-flop, SOI-structures, radiation hardness, electric mode.
Measuring Complex for Resistance Tests of Secondary Power Sources to Heavy Ions Influence

A.V. Besetskiy, A.I. Ozerov, A.V. Filimonov

JSC ‟Research Institute of Scientific Instruments”
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia

The measuring complex developed for electric parameters monitoring of secondary power sources by resistance tests to heavy ions influence is presented.

Keywords: heavy ions, secondary power source, LabView, software, no-failure operation areas.
Use of UKPN-1M Accelerator for Resistance Estimation of Electronic Component Base to Structural Effects of Space Factors Influence

M.V. Bankovskiy, V.V. Kazakov, S.N. Maslova-Zaretskaya, V.M. Olukhov

JSC ‟Research Institute of Scientific Instruments”
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia

The use possibility of UKPN-1M accelerator as the simulating at resistance estimation of electronic compo-nent base to influence of space proton radiation is shown. Technical and metrological data of UKPN-1M accelerator, intended for checking of dosimeters and radiometers of neutron radiation are given. The certifi-cation difficulties of UKPN-1M accelerator are described.

Keywords: UKPN-1M accelerator, neutron radiation, proton radiation, plutonium and beryllium source.
Justification of the Possibility of Resistance Testing of Large-Size Objects to Neutron Fluence Impact with Reactor PRIZ-M Use

D.N. Artamonov, E.Yu. Bakhmatov, I.A. Burlaka, M.Yu. Korablev, D.V. Koynov, A.I. Rymar, A.A. Chaplygin, M.K. Shalay

SRSI ‟12 Central Research Institute” of the Ministry of Defence of RF
Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia

Results of mathematic simulation of neutron radiation parameters of reactor PRIZ-M on the open area for tested large-size subjects are presented. The linear size of a zone, where the radiation tolerance ripple of tested subject is determined. The perspective version of the technical solution providing local and cyclic radiation of tested large-size subject is offered.

Keywords: mathematic simulation, radiation tests, large-size objects, neutron fluence, radiation ripple.
Apriori Definition of Neutron Field Nonuniformity of Nuclear Reactor PRIZ-M

D.E. Bakhmatov, I.V. Golub, A.I. Rymar, S.V. Silyuntsev, S.S. Ulkin, M.P. Fedchuk, A.A. Chaplygin

SRSI ‟12 Central Research Institute” of the Ministry of Defence of RF
Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia

Calculating dependences of radiation spatial nonuniformity of a tested subject on his linear size and distance from radiation source are presented. The graphic way of determination of the minimum distance from an active zone of research nuclear reactor PRIZ-M is illustrated. The nuclear reactor provides radiation tole-rance ripple on all length of a large-size tested subject.

Keywords: radiation ripple, large-size objects, neutron fluence.
Dimensional Characteristics of Test Volume of Static Nuclear Reactor PRIZ-M

D.E. Bakhmatov, R.A. Kostin, A.A. Krot, K.B. Makhmudov, A.I. Rymar, D.R. Sazonov, S.S. Ulkin, M.P. Fedchuk

SRSI ‟12 Central Research Institute” of the Ministry of Defence of RF
Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia

The questions connected with ensuring the demanded by normative documents nonuniformity of gamma and neutron fields of the static nuclear reactor PRIZ-M at radiation resistance tests are considered. The definition of test volume is given. Сalculating dependences of length, width and height of test volume on distance to a reactor active zone are presented.

Keywords: radiation ripple, large-size objects, test volume.
The Experimental Researches of Reaction of Secondary Power Supply Source and Connected Elements of Radio-Electronic Equipment at Pulse Gamma Radiation Influence

E.Yu. Bakhmatov, S.V. Vdovin, D.N. Yesipov, D.V. Koynov, A.I. Rymar, Yu.N. Strelkov, S.S. Ulkin, M.K. Shalay

SRSI ‟12 Central Research Institute” of the Ministry of Defence of RF
Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia

Results of experimental researches of radiation reaction of secondary power supply source and diode assembly on pulse gamma and X-ray radiation influence of the simulating installation Trans-4-1 are presented. The interaction of radiation reaction of secondary power supply source and connected elements of radio-electronic equipment at pulse gamma radiation influence is established.

Keywords: experimental researches, pulse gamma radiation, radio-electronic equipment, radiation reaction.

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