No. 1, 2019
Investigation of CMOS IC at Low-Intensity Prolonged Exposure of Gamma Radiation

S.N. Kulakov, N.A. Kulikov, V.V. Mateshеva, V.D. Popov

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhl»
Moscow, Russia

The results of irradiation experiments CMOS IC at a dose rate of 0.1 rad/s in passive modes are presented. There were two stages of surface defects formation, in both cases when irradiated with MOS transistors as the n-channel and p-channel.

Keywords: Keywords: relative change of surface electron and hole mobility, two stages of interface trap formation.
Results of Research of Absorbed Dose MOS Detector at Low-Intensive Gamma Radiation Influence

O.V. Meshchurov1, R.G. Useinov1, A.D. Artemov2

1 JSC ‟Research Institute of Scientific Instruments”
Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia
2JSC ‟Kometa Corporation”
Moscow, Russia

The change of informative parameter of absorbed dose MOS detector at gamma radiation influence of installations with isotope sources 60Co at the dose rate from 0.00011 to 39.6 rad/s is researched. It is shown that dose rate reduction leads to slight increase in MOS detector sensitivity. The received results are compared to calibration dependence of MOS detector informative parameter on the ionizing radiation absorbed dose. The model of change of informative parameter as functions of an ionizing radiation dose for different dose rate is offered.

Keywords: Keywords: MOS detector, sensitivity of MOS detector, low-intensive gamma radiation, gamma radiation dose rate, ionizing radiation absorbed dose, incorporating of surface states.
Research of Neutron Irradiation Influence on Silicon p+-nn+-Structure Functional Characteristics

A.V. Karimov1, A.Z. Rakhmatov2, Sh.M. Kuliev1, A.A. Karimov1, B.M. Kamanov1

1Physical-Technical Institute SPA ‟Physics-Sun” AS RUz
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The results of the study of neutron irradiation effect on silicon p+-nn+-structure functional characteristics are presented. At the neutron irradiation influence with a dose of 3∙1015 n/cm2, the initial thickness of the space charge layer of the p+-n-junction is more than doubled, which is explained by i-layer formation at substrate p+-n-junction. In this case, a given electric field strength after irradiation is achieved by twice the high voltages, as a result of which the capacitance of the structure and the turn-on time of the silicon diode decrease.

Keywords: Keywords: silicon p+-nn+-structure, neutron irradiation, capacity, on-time, space charge, recovery time.
Research of Spatial Characteristics of Bremsstrahlung of Simulator ARSA

V.S. Figurov1,2, V.V. Baykov1,2, A.S. Artamonov1,2

Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University ‟MEPhI”
Moscow, Russia

The experimental research of three-dimensional bremsstrahlung dose distribution D(x, y, z) of the small-sized simulator ARSA in area z ≤ 100 mm (distance from an accelerator target on a radiation axis) is conducted. The technique and the appropriate program are fulfilled allowing to calculate by results of control measurements a dose value in any point of this area and to define an irradiation ripple of the flat objects perpendicular to a radiation axis. The method of operational experimental assessment of irradiation ripple of flat objects at their placement in area z ≤ 500 mm is fulfilled.

Keywords: Keywords: simulator ARSA, three-dimensional bremsstrahlung dose distribution, dosimetric maintenance of tests, technique and program for dose definition in points of three-dimensional area and for irradiation ripple assessment of flat objects.
Research of Dependence of Bremsstrahlung Levels of Simulator ARSA-1 on Distance to its Target

V.S. Figurov1,2, V.V. Baykov1,2, A.S. Artamonov1,2

Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University ‟MEPhI”
Moscow, Russia

The technique of determination of dependence of bremsstrahlung dose of simulator ARSA-1 on distance to its target is fulfilled. The technique is based on joint use of thermoluminescent detectors PST and diode sensors. It is offered to characterize dose dependence on distance to a target of simulator dose curve – dependence of relative dose values on distance. The dose curve of simulator ARSA-1 is defined and the technique of dosimetric maintenance of tests with use of this curve is fulfilled.

Keywords: Keywords: simulator ARSA-1, bremsstrahlung, dosimetric maintenance of tests, simulator dose curve, dependence of radiation levels on distance to a target.

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