No. 2, 2019
Direct Experimental Comparison Characteristics of Two Microprocessors for Efficiency Assessment of Single Events Control Methods

M.S. Gorbunov1, A.A. Antonov1, P.A. Monakhov1, V.S. Anashin2, A.A. Klein2, A.E. Kozyukov2, E.F. Imametdinov1, E.V. Maryina1

1Scientific Research Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
2Affiliated enterprise of the United Rocket and Space Corporation – ‟Research Institute of Space Device Engineering”
Moscow, Russia

Direct experimental comparison of sensitivity of two microprocessors with application of various single events effect (SEE) control methods at influence of different heavy ions flux is presented. The question of optimality of a ratio between productivity, a fault-tolerance and power consumption is considered. The mean fluence between failures (MFBF) for sensitivity comparison is offered.

Keywords: SEU, SEE, SET, RHBD, DICE, TMR, productivity, microprocessor, SOI.
Technique of Optimization of Radiation Protection of Aircrafts Radio Electronic Equipment

I.V. Evseev1, V.V. Kravchuk1, A.E. Shmarov2, V.N. Gulbin3

The Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Troops after Peter the Great
Balashiha, Moscow region, Russia
2RFNC All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics
Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia
3The Engineering and Marketing Center of Corporation “Vega”
Moscow, Russia

Questions of radiation protection of the aircrafts radio electronic equipment are considered. The technique allowing to determine optimum parameters of radio electronic equipment protection at impact of pulse ioni-zing radiation is offered. This technique is universal and is suitable for parameters calculation of radiation protection of any difficult heterogeneous objects. Calculations are executed by the Monte Carlo method in flat and cylindrical axisymmetric geometry.

Keywords: radiation protection, radio electronic equipment, pulse ionizing radiation, aircraft, Monte Carlo method.
Continuity of Reliability control System Principles for Forecasting, Providing and Assessment of Radio Electronic Equipment Hardness

K.G. Sizova1, P.K. Skorobogatov2, M.O. Prygunov3

1LLC “NPC “Topaz”
Saint Petersburg, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”
Moscow, Russia
LLC ‟Radioautomaticа”
Moscow, Russia

The connection of the term "quality" with the concepts "reliability", "hardness" of products and "risk" is made. The conceptual and mathematical apparatus of the reliability theory is in detail studied out and the parallel with the hardness theory is drawn. Domestic and foreign experience and also the international, national and industry standards in the quality ensuring of different technological systems is considered. It is offered to apply the available developed methodology of the analysis and assessment of reliability and risk to problems of providing, forecasting and assessment of radiation hardness of the space radio electronic equipment at all stages of life cycle.

Keywords: quality, reliability, radiation hardness, risk, radio electronic equipment, probability, ionizing radiation, spacecraft, single effects, dose effects, analysis, assessment.
Comparative Analysis of Use of Static and Dynamic Models of Earth´s Magnetic Field at Estimates of Radiation Loading of Communication Spacecraft at Flight into the Geostationary Orbit

V.V. Goncharov, A.N. Zagorkov, O.V. Mikheev, A.E. Oshkin

Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center
Moscow, Russia

Influence of use of the dynamic Earth´s magnetic field model when calculating dose loads of the communication spacecraft making flight into a geostationary orbit with use by own low thrust electric propulsion system is investigated. Comparative assessment of cumulative dose of space ionizing radiation when using static and dynamic Earth´s magnetic field model is given. Conditions under which use of static Earth´s magnetic field model leads to significant understating in dose characteristics assessment are considered, and the corresponding recommendations about use of dynamic Earth´s magnetic field model are issued.

Keywords: absorbed dose, space ionizing radiation, Earth´s magnetic field model, spacecraft, electric propulsion system.
Changes in K-208Sr Thermal Control Coating Features after Electron and Proton Irradiation with Energy of 20 keV

R.H. Khasanshin1,2, V.I. Kostyuk1, S.V. Tokar1, A.V. Kosogorov2, D.A. Primenko2, К.A. Shishov3

1JSC “Kompozit”
Korolev, Moscow region, Russia
2Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Moscow, Russia
3RUDN University
Moscow, Russia

The results of studies of thermal control coating samples of high-orbital satellites irradiated with electrons and protons with energy characteristic of hot magnetospheric plasma are presented. Changes in morpho-logy of irradiated samples were by atomic force microscopy investigated, and changes in their spectral reflectance were using a double beam spectrophotometer recorded. It was shown that at proton irradiation on the samples surface the gas filled bubbles are formed. At electron irradiation the microprojection and discharge channels on the samples are by electrostatic discharges caused. It was found that the microstructures formation on the surfaces of irradiated samples has no significant effect on their optical properties.

Keywords: electron and proton irradiation, K-208Sr thermal control coating, atomic force microscopy, spectral reflectance.
Verification of Calculation Model on Reactor PRIZ-M

I.A. Burlaka, G.L. Pikalov, O.A. Nikolaev

SRSI "12 Central Research Institute" of the Ministry of Defence of RF
Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia

The calculation model of forecasting of radiation integrated parameters and also neutrons power distributions in reference points on nuclear reactor PRIZ-M by comparison of calculated data to the most consistent measurements results in two mutually perpendicular directions is verified. It is shown that discrepancies between the measured and calculated ranges of fast neutrons do not exceed 17 %, between fluences of neutrons – 27.3 %, and between gamma radiation doses – 24.7 %, that demonstrates reliability of calculation model.

Keywords: verification, reactor, fluence of neutrons, exposure dose, gamma radiation, neutron power range.
Research of Spatial Characteristics of Electron Radiation of Simulator ARSA-2

V.S. Figurov1,2, V.V. Baykov1,2, A.S. Artamonov1,2, A.A. Gromov3, I.A. Yemeliyanenko3

Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University ‟MEPhI”
Moscow, Russia
Moscow region, Russia

Dose curves of electron radiation of simulator ARSA-2 – dependence of relative values of the absorbed dose of electron radiation on distance to its target are defined. Ranges of the absorbed dose in silicon of simulator electron radiation for all tungsten diaphragms used for discrete change of electron radiation levels are established. The programs used at dosimetric maintenance of tests in the electron radiation mode are made. The three-dimensional distribution of electron radiation field of simulator is preliminary estimated.

Keywords: simulator ARSA-2, electron radiation, dosimetric maintenance of tests, simulator dose curve, spatial characteristics of electron radiation, irradiation ripple, program of test dosimetric maintenance.

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